Hello, I'm
Thanks for stopping by my site!
I've always wanted to find a way to live a life that I was able to design.
Unfortunately, as I grew up, I realized this was easier said than done.
My job didn't allow the time and freedom I was looking for,
and I wanted something where I felt I could really make a difference.
I used to drag out of bed in the morning and keep myself going on caffeine and sugary foods. Not good, I know. When I decided to create a business that would help people live healthier lives I knew that habit was one of the choices I was going to change for the better.
I wanted more energy, better nutrition…I wanted to feel better and like most people I wanted to look healthy and happy. It is harder than one thinks when you are running on sugar, cigarettes, and caffeine.
Then a friend introduced me to nutrition – starting with the foundation of a multivitamin and a protein. We had just opened a health spa and she suggested I try the products to keep up with my three young daughters and a new business.
I gave myself 30 days and by the end of that time…I did feel better but not great as she had thought I might. I had been holding on to the nutrition promise of you will feel better, have more energy and a better sense of well-being or you get all of your money back. Money back please*** after all the 30-day trial ( in my mind) made things better just not great!! She ask me to give it 30 days more and promised to hold the 30 day guarantee to the full amount I had invested in the program.
I can't say when it happened, but I can say I started staying up later, getting more done without pushing through the job at hand, and my mood improved immensely and .. I was able to give more of myself to the things that were important to me --- my family, my new business, and my hobbies.
I was able to “show up” as my best self.
Now I am helping others find their own nutrition plan.
I’d love to help you feel better too!
I'm also looking to connect and work
with like-minded people. And with the recent financial crisis, I feel that what I have to share
is more important than ever.
If words like "Lifestyle Design" and "Reengineering your life" resonate with
you, then you've come to the right place.
Like a lot of people, I decided to build a business because I love the products. It’s easy for me to share something I already love with others. Why not get paid to do it, right? And once I got started, I learned that if I put in the effort, I could earn INCREDIBLE trips on top of the cash bonuses I make.
Places like Monte Carlo, Munich, Vienna, Montreal, Acapulco, Hawaii, Bermuda, just to name a few. They’ve also treated us to stays in some of the most fabulous beachside resorts in Mexico, Hawaii and the Caribbean. And when we travel it’s always five-star. Dream destinations with experiences usually reserved for the rich and famous. Ron & I are farm kids from central Nebraska.
The only thing that tops going on a trip? Bringing someone else along! Want to go with me next trip? Let's talk.
If you'd like some guidance in your desire to find freedom as an online entrepreneur, we should
connect. You can learn more about working with me here.
I'm also a real and fairly 'normal' person...so feel free to stop by and friend me on Facebook, and you can also connect with me on my Fan page.
Thanks again for visiting my site and I hope I can help you create your ideal lifestyle of
personal freedom.
Here's to your freedom!
Kay Erickson